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Promotion Items

Promotion Items

Regular price $1.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Price in US$

Promotion Items

Your may enjoy this offer by ordering any items from the shop, no order will be accepted without an order. Enjoy your shopping!!

Item A: $1 Buckle up before flight whistle ( Color will be randomly picked and sent)

Item B: $1 ParSupply Touch Screen Pen
out of stock!!

Item C: $1 mini Compass (2cm x 2cm) 

Item D: $2 Luggage tag (8cm x 4cm) out of stock!!

Item E: $3 First Aid Kit (12cm x 19cm)

Item F: $1 for 3 pieces mini-buckle (4cm) ( Color will be randomly picked and sent)

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